Finding yourself and your place in academia with Dr. Sara Ghebremusse

Belonging is a universal human need; however, not all spaces are created for everyone to belong.

Join us in this conversation with Dr. Sara Ghebremusse, Cassels Chair in Mining Law and Finance, and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, Western University. Together, we explore the journey of finding a place and environment where you are seen, valued and supported as a woman of colour in your leadership journey.

The question of Do I stay or go? coupled with discussing the currency of ambition and over-achievement will leave you empowered to understand the weight and importance of making this decision that is often at a crossroad. As Sara shares, the ultimate factor is what actually matters and honours you.

Listen to the episode here.

02:44 - Sara shares with us her non-linear leadership journey, and how she’s been influenced by her experience as a child of Eritrean immigrants.

08:31 - She highlights the challenge of thriving in academia as a Black woman, and underscores the importance of seizing opportunities that genuinely value and support her contributions in teaching, research, and service.

14:28 - On her decision to leave a comfortable position, in search of a place that would allow Dr. Ghebremusse to thrive rather than survive in academia.

24:33 - We end the episode with Sara’s advice for women of color facing decisions about staying or leaving their professional roles.

African Proverb: “When sleeping women wake, mountains move”

What's one thing you can do differently today to awake your strengths?


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